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What is the difference between mechanical seals and packing seals

2023-09-03 管理员 Read 394

1、 What is the difference between mechanical seals and packing seals

Packing seal is a traditional contact type seal that has a wide range of applications. Simple structure, easy replacement, low cost, and wide applicability. Mechanical seals have complex mechanisms, high manufacturing accuracy, high prices, and inconvenient maintenance.

  1. Packing seal is a traditional contact type seal that has a wide range of applications. Simple structure, convenient replacement, low cost, and wide application range, it can be used for sealing in rotary, reciprocating, and spiral movements, and allows axial movement of the rotating shaft. Its shortcomings are slightly poor sealing performance, the shaft does not allow significant radial runout, high power consumption, worn shaft, and short service life.

  2. Mechanical seals have good sealing performance, stable performance, low leakage, low friction power consumption, long service life, minimal shaft wear, and can meet various working conditions. They are widely used in petrochemical and other departments, but their mechanisms are complex, manufacturing accuracy is high, prices are expensive, and maintenance is inconvenient.

  3. Packing seals are mainly used for low viscosity liquid pumps such as clean water pumps, and are not suitable for flammable, explosive, valuable, or toxic liquids. Packing seals can be used not only for receiving pumps, but also for rotating applications. The packing sealing structure is simple, easy to operate and maintain, and the cost is low. The shortcomings include high power consumption, poor sealing reliability, and easy wear on the shaft during use.

  4. Mechanical seals have a long maintenance cycle and can automatically compensate for end face wear. Generally, there is no need for regular maintenance, and they have good vibration resistance. They are not sensitive to vibration, deflection of the rotating shaft, and deviation of the shaft from the sealing chamber.